Tuesday, April 6, 2010

catch up a little

Time just flies and I find myself wishing I had taken the time to sit and blog about my boys and our family and all the small things that occur. Like jake dressing himself and not wanting to focus on anything but the positive we let him goto preschool with his shirt on inside out. Like Ethan being 9 months old already and his silly but very cute laugh and his newest is dancing with his arms and boppin his head when any little music plays (tv commercials from the other room). My George wow is gonna be 6 in june and is now playing tee ball and daddy is coaching. Fist game is on thursday. They are so young they mostly try to chase the ball. They havent even gotten to using the bat and hitting the ball so the game should very interesting. So I plan to find my way on here to write and not just play pogo or scan facebook.

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