Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I have not had one second to sit and write and when I do sit here I find myself lost in a sea of blogs. They just carry me away. I feel like im on an adventure and love all the things I find. Today I saw pop corn lollipops dipped in white chocolate @ "Brown Paper Bag". Ofcourse I got lost in all the wonderful projects and links leading me to other blog like "Beyond the Picket Fence" where I am inspired to start painting my kitchen chairs.

I love getting to travel back in time with all my favorite vintage,victorian, and retro bloggers.  Check out
 "Jersey Girl Blog" and "Bobby Pin Blog".  There are so many more but I do spend all my time looking and not writing. Thats ok I have fun and get inspired like at "Todays Creative Blog Spot".   I could just keep going but I am now sitting here way too long. gota run. Visit those sites and have fun!!!


  1. Thank you for your visit.x.

  2. Hello--
    I see you joined in on the following of my blog. Please come often--love to see you again!
    Have a great evening!



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